The Look Inside Podcast

Let's start with a confession.
I am a serial book abandoner.
I abandon about half of the books I start. It stems from frustration by being forced to read Thomas Hardy in the ritual torture of children known as school.
It's now manifests as a refusal to put in hours after a slow opening on the hope that it will pay off. But it's not nearly as simple as that seems. A car chase at the start won't carry a story either.
In fact, some of my favorite stories are a slow burn at the start. But if they are only going five miles per hour in Chapter One, then they had better be building some mighty interesting characters in that chapter. Or some really interesting world building or technology, and maybe even a hint of the inciting incident.
Sometimes a memorable opening sentence is enough to carry my interest.
'Elmer Gantry was drunk' is one hell of a start to Sinclair Lewis' novel about a conman.​ As a teenage kid I had to know more.
The purpose of the Look Inside podcast is to help you (and us) find books that we like.
So here's the deal, we'll interview the author so you can get to know a little about them, their story, the characters, and their inspiration for the story. Then you'll hear Chapter One of their book. They might read it or we'll read it, whichever the writer is comfortable with.​
So sit back, make sure your earbuds are charged and listen to the Look Inside Podcast.
And don't forget to subscribe to our podcast. If you like what we're doing give us a rating wherever you get our podcast.
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